This website is the property of Franck Martin, 23 rue de Benken, F-68220 Leymen – France
Phone: + 33 6 42 19 86 22
SIRET number : 853 172 807 00010
VAT Number: Not applicable
Editor: Franck Martin
The website is hosted by : OVH, 2 rue Kellermann, 59100 Roubaix – France (tel : +33 9 72 10 10 07)
Terms and conditions for using the website
The site and each of its elements, including but not limited to the trademarks, logos, icons, infographics, photographs, which compose it are protected under intellectual property and related legislation. The content on the site is owned by Franck Martin. Any use by the user, reproduction or representation, whatever the process or the medium, of all or part of the site and/or its content is not permitted without the prior agreement of Franck Martin.
Regarding the Blog, Franck Martin makes free informative content available. Opinions or content offered only engage Franck Martin as to their relevance. The user will not make Franck Martin responsible for any use of the information provided.
Personal Data Protection
Via the contact form, the user may have to decline his identity and provide personal information. The user provides this information with full knowledge of the facts, especially when he enters the data himself. This information is only intended in order to be able to contact the user to provide a quote, conclude a transaction or clarify the needs in relation to the services offered by Franck Martin, and exposed on this website
Franck Martin undertakes to never disclose the personal information collected and not to resell it.